Vis Consultants

News & Announcements

Successful development and implementation of a long term NG demand forecasting tool for Georgia

VIS & E3 Modelling have successfully completed the development of a long term natural gas forecasting tool for Georgia. The forecasting tool has already been applied in the Georgian market. In December 2019 it was used by GNERC in the process of setting 3-year tariffs for gas distribution systems. The project was commissioned by NARUC and financed by USAID.

Study Completed – Technical expertise to assess the prospects of LNG markets in the Eastern Partner countries

VIS was commissioned by Stantec to support a study aiming to assess the potential of LNG in Eastern Parten countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine). The study identified potentially viable options for LNG market development in each country (imports from EU, development of LNG terminals, development of small scale liquefication, virtual LNG pipelines), analyzed of each option’s competitiveness and economic performance (netback analysis – CBA), identified prerequisites and key success factors, and proposed policies and next actions to develop the options.

5th PCI Application Roadmap

“Building on our solid experience with PCI (Projects of Common Interest) application support to our clients, we have composed a small consolidated outline of the latest, updated process concerning the application to attain the PCI status. The outline describes the necessary steps and respective milestones of the process that project promoters should follow towards their inclusion in the 5th PCI list.” Maria Kaladami, VIS Consultant

Electricity DSOs and NRA monitoring: enhancing quality of service offering

VIS has been commissioned by the National Association of (US) Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) - assignment funded by USAID - to support their ongoing program of assistance to Europe & Eurasia (E&E) energy regulators (Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Ukraine) in their mission of ensuring that the public is receiving reliable electric service at a reasonable price, and that  regulated distribution companies are receiving a reasonable rate of return on their prudently incurred investments in infrastructure.

Serbia emergency oil stocks – mission accomplished!

VIS along with its consortium partners (Ramboll and Asprofos) successfully completed a TA in Serbia where for the past 18 months supported the Serbian Administration towards compliance with EU Acquis in relation to the establishment and optimal management of an emergency stockholding system for reserves of oil and oil derivatives (Directive 2009/119/EC).

Technical Assistance for Ukraine to Evaluate Investments in Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Old and Malfunctioning Gas Distribution Pipelines and Associated Infrastructures

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC to provide technical assistance and support to the Ukrainian Regulator (NEURC) to formulate a process and methodology for the evaluation and approval of gas distribution rehabilitation/replacement projects.

Regulatory review, assessment and monitoring of oil pipeline development plans

VIS has been contracted by LDK to draft a project assessment guide with respect to oil pipelines for AERS (Serbian Regulator). The guide will assist AERS in its reviews of the oil pipeline development plans by sector companies and will ensure a solid and transparent framework under which all involved parties can operate.

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Green & Blue Infrastructure

VIS is building on its solid track record in the domain of socioeconomic cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for infrastructure projects. We have been commissioned by a large engineering consulting firm to execute a CBA for several Green & Blue infrastructure investments in the city of Athens. A challenging assignment that involves analysis of quantitative data and qualitative information, as well as modelling-based synthesis to establish causalities and deduce overall benefit.

Detailed market and regulatory study concerning connections to electricity & water distribution networks and the development of utility networks in megaprojects (Tetra Tech/ADDC)

VIS has been contracted by Tetra Tech to support a study for ADDC (Abu Dhabi Distribution Company) in two main areas. First, by benchmarking international practices for connections to electricity & water networks, in terms of regulations, commercial rules, and charging methodologies, based on distribution utilities from Europe and Asia. Second, by providing international practices on the development, ownership structure and operation of electricity and water distribution networks in megaprojects.

Technical Assistance to the Kenya Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to develop an open access market framework and rule

The project’s objective is to support ERC towards the development of an open access market framework by drafting an Open Access Market Rule and Framework specific to the Kenyan context, to further the development of competition in Kenya’s electricity sector. The Open Access Framework will outline key components, well as principles, rules, and mechanisms for operating in an open access system. The Draft Rule will serve as the main regulatory tool for establishing an open access framework and will provide clear guidelines on the rights and responsibilities of all parties, including the tariff determination process, reporting requirements, enforcement measures, and mechanisms for dispute resolution. The project was commission by NARUC (assignment funded by USAID).