Vis Consultants

News & Announcements

Technical Assistance to Analyze Thailand’s drafted Third-Party Access (TPA) Framework and Potential Provisions for a Pricing Mechanism and Congestion Management (NARUC/US DOS)

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC (assignment funded by United States Department of State) to support the Thailand Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) in overseeing the implementation of an open access regime in Thailand. The study will provide suggested revisions to the Third Party Access (TPA) Framework drafted by the ERC and a proposed pricing mechanism for wheeling charges. The study will assist the ERC in identifying crucial considerations governing non-discriminatory third-party access to electricity transmission and distribution networks, thus creating robust, open and effective competition in electricity sector markets.

HYDROGEN IN GREECE: The state of play

Moving towards a net-zero emissions era, the role of hydrogen is not yet clear. Admittedly, hydrogen is the route to cutting emissions in sectors where carbon-free electricity cannot, such as road transport, heavy industry, ammonia, steel, shipping fuels, aviation. This short report is taking a look at the state of play in Greece regarding the plans, potential and existing barriers for producing and consuming H2 towards the country's decarbonization targets.

Study on Smart Grid Options in Jordan (World Bank)

VIS is proudly teaming up with Tetra Tech for the implementation the World Bank financed “Study on Smart Grid Options in Jordan”. The study aims to support the Government of Jordan towards the development of a new smart grid Strategy.  The study demands technical and economic analyses of smart grid technologies, advice and prioritization of the different action areas, and review and update of the legal/ regulatory framework necessary for the materialization of the strategy. VIS will focus on two main aspects of the study; one on the necessary cost / benefit analysis of different smart grid options by weighing the costs against the monetized benefits (quantifiable and intangible) and two on the issue of cybersecurity and data management strategy of the smart grid technology to be employed in Jordan’s networks.

EC framework Contract Technical assistance activities in the field of energy

VIS is delighted to be part of Ramboll’s winning team for the recently awarded 4-year EC framework Contract Technical assistance activities in the field of energy (Lot 3). VIS will take part in competing for and implementing a broad spectrum of assignments, involving inter alia technical assistance for  improving EU internal energy market operation, for assessment of infrastructure projects of Common Interest, and for supporting the implementation of Energy Dialogues with Third Countries and external aspects of the EU internal energy market.

EC Framework Contract Socio-economic assistance in the field of energy

VIS is delighted to be part of Ecorys’ winning team for the recently awarded 4-year EC Framework Contract Socio-economic assistance in the field of energy (Lot 2). VIS will take part in competing for and implementing studies with a broad energy-related footprint, ranging from economic and cost-benefit analyses of energy networks and infrastructures, to policy impact assessments and market studies.

Study on the identification of barriers preventing prosumers being active in energy markets across the EU member states (ACER)

VIS along with Grant Thornton are excited to have won a contract by ACER (The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) to execute a study that analyses regulatory barriers towards an ever-increasing electricity prosumerism landscape in the European Union. The activities, services and solutions that can be driven by prosumers are not fully explored yet and constitute a new complex element in the overall electricity market map. Under this context we will map out the regulatory regime with respect to prosumers, its application in the different 27 EU Member States, and will identify regulatory barriers towards the proliferation of prosumers. Based on this analysis, recommendations addressing regulatory barriers will be drafted. 

Regulatory Technical Services for the Natural Gas Sector for the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of the Republic of Armenia (NARUC/USAID)

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC (assignment funded by USAID) to support the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of the Republic of Armenia on elements of the gas market development. The assignment focuses on the development of a methodology and rules to calculate technical losses of the gas transmission system, development of templates to cover the reporting requirements of gas stakeholders to PSRC, and development, together with E3 Modelling, of a long-term gas and electricity forecasting tool.

Regulatory Technical Services for the Natural Gas Sector for the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) of the Republic of North Macedonia (NARUC/USAID)

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC (assignment funded by USAID) to support the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) of the Republic of North Macedonia with the development of key elements of the natural gas transmission grid code, focusing on capacity allocation, congestion management and balancing. The assignment includes update of existing rules for capacity allocation and congestion management, the development of balancing rules and methodologies, provision of capacity building to gas stakeholders of the North Macedonian market, and formulation of an action plan that operationalizes key network code elements.

Legal & Regulatory Technical Services for Development of Primary and Secondary Energy Legislation (NARUC/USAID)

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC (assignment funded by USAID) to support the energy regulators, ministries and/or other organizations of the Europe & Eurasia countries in developing their primary and secondary legislation to comply with the requirements of the EU 3rd Energy Package and the Clean Energy Package. The contract covers a wide range of topics, including inter alia electricity and gas market development, de-carbonization, renewable energy integration, energy efficiency and demand response, grid modernization, cybersecurity, digitalization, net metering and prosumers, balancing and ancillary services, and energy storage.

Technical Assistance to Develop Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks for the National Agency of Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova (NARUC/USAID)

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC (assignment funded by USAID) to support the National Agency of Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova (ANRE) with the development of gas balancing rules for the transmission system. The assignment includes development of relevant rules and methodologies, provision of capacity building to gas stakeholders of the Moldovan market, and formulation of an action plan that operationalizes key network code elements.