Vis Consultants

News & Announcements

Impact Assessment on the Proposal for a Network Code on Demand Side Flexibility – Completion

The Commission has published the results of the study "Impact Assessment on the Proposal for a Network Code on Demand Side Flexibility" done by the Ramboll-Vito-VIS consortium. VIS is proud to have contributed with the impact analysis of policy options enabling the participation of demand response and other flexibility resources in the electricity markets and thereby support their development. The rules supporting the policy options cover specific technical and market related measures as well as new responsibilities of network operators and other relevant stakeholders to ensure the necessary conditions are met for demand response and other flexibility services.

Study on the Implementation, Availability and Uptake of Dynamic Price Contracts in Europe for the European Union Agency for The Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

VIS is very excited with its new assignment to support ACER with its study on the implementation, availability, and uptake of dynamic price contracts across Europe. As part of this study, VIS will identify the status of electricity dynamic price contracts across EU countries, Norway and UK. This includes the underlying drivers for their application in terms of necessary infrastructure, market conditionalities as well as commercial challenges for their uptake. Furthermore, VIS will also execute a quantitative modeling task to assess the societal and environmental benefits by comparing standard to dynamic tariff product offers to the consuming public. The study will draw from empirical evidence and real-world data to evaluate whether and how beneficial dynamic price contracts could be for both consumers and suppliers. The findings of the study will be finalized after consultation with key stakeholders from the electricity sector.

Impact of the measures included in the EU and National Gas Storage Regulations for ACER

VIS successfully completed a strategic study for ACER with the aim of: - collecting and analysing national measures recently applied by EU Member States (with and without storage facilities) within the framework of the European Gas Storage Regulation; - assessing how these measures contribute to achieving the storage filling targets, and, where possible, estimating the associated costs; and - identifying possible difficulties when implementing the measures.

Study on the impact of the measures included in the EU and National Gas Storage Regulations for European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

VIS is very excited with its new assignment to support ACER through an evaluation study on the impact of the measures undertaken by the Member States to implement the European Gas Storage Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2022/1032). The study will: • offer, a thorough assessment of the measures selected by the Member States to fulfil their gas storage obligations, • identify challenges with the implementation of the measures, and, • examine the effectiveness and the costs of the 2022 gas storage measures.

ACER has published a VIS study on cost-benefit analysis for hydrogen networks

VIS successfully completed a study for EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) regarding cost benfit analysis for Hydrogen networks in the EU. The full report and respective webinar material can be accessed via the below link.

Hiring Opportunity

VIS Economic & Energy Consultants is an Athens-based internationally operating consulting firm specializing in energy economics, regulation and investment appraisal. Our clients include among others international organizations, public and private energy utilities and regulatory authorities globally. We are seeking a recent graduate to join our Athens office as an Energy Junior Analyst. This is a full-time entry level position, with English as the main working language

Technical Assistance to AMS on Establishing the Approach for Setting Allowed Technical and Non-Technical Losses in the Electricity Transmission and Distribution System in Tajikistan (NARUC/USAID)

VIS has been commissioned by NARUC (assignment funded by USAID) to support the Regulator of Tajikistan, Antimonopoly Service (AMS), to develop an approach for setting normative losses and determining the amount of electricity losses (technical and non-technical), for which the regulated transmission and distribution companies will be allowed to be compensated in the regulatory tariff regime. The project will provide capacity building to AMS and stakeholders.

A Cost – Benefit Analysis of a new District Heating project in Kozani, Northern Greece

As a result of the decarbonization targets, several lignite power plants in the north of Greece will be decommissioned starting from 2025. These power plants provide heat energy via a district heating network to over 5600 buildings / 29500 apartments used for domestic heating as well as hot water production. Given the foreseen significant social and environmental cost attached to the discontinuity of service, DEYAK plans to invest in a new connection linked to a forthcoming power plant thus ensuring the continuation of the hot water and heating service to the population of the area. VIS is to support DEYAK by executing a financial analysis, a cost benefit analysis, and a detailed feasibility study, as well as by developing a state aid notification for DG Competition, all necessary items for securing the financing support of the project.

Impact Assessment on the Proposal for a Network Code on Demand Side Flexibility (EC)

VIS, as part of the Ramboll and Vito team, will participate for the implementation of a study for DG ENER, centered on assessing policy options for introducing rules on demand response, including aggregation, energy storage, and demand curtailment in accordance with the non-binding framework guidelines submitted by ACER in 2022 and to investigate the corresponding impact. Our study will take ACER’s framework guidelines as a starting point and assess the economic, social, and environmental impact framework-compatible rules could have.

Publication of a study

VIS along with Ecorys and Ramboll have authored a study for the European Commission providing analytical support for the financial instruments and programmes to facilitate investment in the energy sector. The draft report of the study is now published by the EC and can be accessed at