Vis Consultants

News & Announcements

VIS shortlisted in major Europeaid tender for Oil Stocks in Serbia

VIS in consortium with Ramboll and Asprofos has been shortlisted by the EC in the tender "Technical assistance to the administration for reserves of energy-generating products concerning the optimal management of mandatory oil stocks" (EuropeAid/138037/DH/SER/RS)

VIS leader of consortium contracted in major DG-Energy Framework Contract

VIS, leading a consortium comprising 8 companies (VIS, NTUA, KOMIS, d'Appolonia, MWH, decon, CENER, LEI) became contractor in the EC Framework Contract "for legal, economic and technical assistance in the fields of energy and of mobility and transport" - Lot 3 Technical Assistance in Energy

VIS in the winning consortium on a benchmarking study for ESCOM in Malawi

Tetra Tech along with VIS have been commissioned by the Millenium Challenge Corporation to implement the project "Electricity SupplyCorporation of Malawi (ESCOM) Benchmarking Study

VIS shortlisted in major Europeaid tender for Underground Gas Storage in Ukraine

VIS in consortium with Ramboll, GEUS, KBB Underground Technologies and Grant Thornton Ukraine has been shortlisted by the EC in the tender Comprehensive Study of Underground Gas Storage Facilities in Ukraine (EuropeAid/138365/DH/SER/UA)

VIS commissioned to prepare outline gas transmission grid code in Georgia

The US National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) commissioned VIS (assignment funded by USAID) to an outline gas transmission grid code for the Republic of Georgia.

World Bank Serbian gas sector project award

The consortium in which VIS participates has been commissioned by the World Bank to implement the project 'Gas Infrastructure Investment Screening Framework' in Serbia, for Srbjigas and the Government of Serbia

VIS in the winning Consortium for the assessment of the Impact of IFC Investments in the Development of Oil and Gas Sector of Ghana

Ramboll in partnership with VIS have been commission by the World Bank to implement the project "Assessment of the Impact of IFC Investments in the Development of Oil and Gas Sector of Ghana" for IFC

VIS in the winning Consortium for cost-benefit analysis of France-Spain gas pipeline

The consortium in which VIS participates has been commissioned by DG-Energy to perform a cost-benefit analysis for the first phase of the Midcat gas pipeline project (STEP) consistent with ENTSOG methodology"

VIS study on gas distribution tariffs in Ukraine press publication

Article that was published in the Ukrainian on-line news site ZN UA on October 30 2016 titled 'Expert explanation on what discourages foreign investors from the Ukrainian gas market' referencing to our study of comparison of gas tariffs methodology between EU and Ukraine

VIS participated as a speaker in Gas forum II Kiev, on gas distribution tariff reform

Evangelos Penglis' presentation in the 2nd Ukrainian Gas Forum, 12-13 October 2016, Kiev, on Incentive-based tariffs for European gas distribution networks and Comparison with Ukraine