VIS along with Ramboll and Asprofos have been awarded a EuropeAid(15SER01/01/13) Technical Assistance project to support the Republic of Serbia to comply with EU Acquis in relation to the establishment and optimal management of an emergency stockholding system for reserves of oil and/ or oil derivatives (Directive 2009/119/EC). The overall objective of the Project is to support the establishment of a fully functional ‘Administration for reserves of energy-generating products’ in order to ensure fully the compliance of Serbia with EU Acquis in relation to the establishment and optimal management of an emergency stockholding system for reserves of oil and/ or oil derivatives (Directive 2009/119/EC). Specific objectives of the Project include attainment of:
(i) improved stockholding fee collection
(ii) increased availability, accessibility and control of emergency oil stocks
(iii) increased level of oil stocks according to targets set inDirective 2009/119/EC.