Serbia emergency oil stocks – mission accomplished!
VIS along with its consortium partners (Ramboll and Asprofos) successfully completed a TA in Serbia where for the past 18 months supported the Serbian Administration towards compliance with EU Acquis in relation to the establishment and optimal management of an emergency stockholding system for reserves of oil and oil derivatives (Directive 2009/119/EC).
As part of the project and aside from the numerous analyses and reports delivered, the consortium developed several practical tools and documents. More specifically we developed:
- a detailed assessment of the required storage capacities to fulfill the Directive obligation after having surveyed and analyzed all consumption and imports of crude oil and product data and existing storage sites in the country;
- a detailed guide for the development of an emergency response plan;
- a software platform for data collecting, processing and reporting for the management of emergency oil stockholding system and;
- a financial model for storage and supply incorporating various sensitivity parameters.