Vis Consultants

News & Announcements

Regulatory review, assessment and monitoring of oil pipeline development plans

The main objective of the assignment is to draft a comprehensive guide for AERS (Serbian Regulator) to assist the process of reviewing, assessing and monitoring of oil pipeline development plans submitted by sector players. VIS first mapped the landscape and framework transcending the current Serbian oil transmission infrastructure development plans as well as the respective EU practices. Then we developed a detailed breakdown of the different steps to be followed by AERS, including the review of the financial and economic analysis required for such infrastructure, in order to approve or not the infrastructure development plan and advise on its potential socioeconomic benefits / costs.

Technical assistance to the administration for reserves of energy-generating products concerning the optimal management of mandatory oil stocks (EC/ Republic of Serbia)

VIS along with Ramboll and Asprofos has been awarded this EuropeAid project to support the Republic of Serbia to comply with EU Acquis in relation to the establishment and optimal management of an emergency stockholding system for reserves of oil and/ or oil derivatives (Directive 2009/119/EC).

Gas infrastructure investment screening framework (World Bank)

VIS participated in this World Bank assignment which supported Srbijagas, the integrated gas company of Serbia, to develop a new investment appraisal methodology and to formulate a revised investment plan for 2017-2021. The work included economic audit of Srbijagas' existing investment programme, and proposals for improvements in the investment planning, approval and monitoring systems of the company.