Vis Consultants

News & Announcements

Athens resilient city: climate mitigation (EQO-NIXUS/EIB)

VIS is the lead implementor of Athens Resilient City: Climate Mitigation project, part of the EIB advisory services (EIBAS) activities Framework agreement for EU-28. VIS as the lead subcontractor of EQO-NIXUS provides technical assistance to the Municipality of Athens to improve Energy Efficiency (EE) and climate resilience to public buildings, in line with the objectives of the Athens Municipality Integrated Territorial Investment Plan (ITI), the Resilience Strategy and the Urban Agenda for the EU.

Cost-benefit analysis for Alexandroupolis Independent Natural Gas System (INGS) (Gastrade)

VIS was commissioned by Gastrade to carry out a detailed Cost – Benefit Analysis (CBA) for the Alexandroupolis Floating Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU), and provide support to the company in its application for financing under the EU - Greece Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 and on its application for obtaining State Aid clearance from EC DG Competition.

Preparation of Project Specific-Cost Benefit Analysis (PS-CBA) and application to Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) (IGI Poseidon)

VIS provided support to IGI Poseidon on two tasks: the preparation of a PS-CBA for the EastMed (Cyprus – Greece Interconnection) and the Poseidon (Greece – Italy Interconnection) gas pipeline projects, in line with the ENTSOG CBA methodology, for their inclusion in the 3rd Union-wide PCI list; preparation of application for grant for studies to the EC CEF funding mechanism, for the EastMed gas pipeline.

Transactional support for the development of a 30MW wind farm (PPCR)

VIS participates in the advisory team supporting PPC Renewables (PPCR) throughout the full tendering cycle for the selection of a strategic investor that will develop a 30MW wind farm in Karditsa, Greece. VIS is supporting PPCR in the project's financial valuation, drafting of tendering documents and selection of preferred investor.

Unbundling of gas distribution and supply businesses (EPA Attiki)

VIS participated in the advisory team supporting the largest gas distribution and retail supply company in Greece (EPA Attiki) in developing its strategy, unbundled operational processes and implementation action plans for the full unbundling of its gas supply and distribution businesses, in line with the requirements of the Greek regulatory framework and EU practices.

Development of network operation code for gas distribution (DEPA, EPA Attiki, EPA Thessaloniki and EPA Thessaly)

VIS supported the development of a common gas distribution network code for the gas distribution companies in Greece (DEPA S.A., EPA Attiki S.A., EPA Thessaloniki S.A. and EPA Thessaly S.A.) in line with the requirements of the Greek gas legislation, Greek Energy Regulator and the 3rd EU Energy Package provisions.